Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs, are usually a smaller second home that has its own kitchen, bedroom and bathroom facilities, and is located inside, attached to, or close to an existing single-family house. Also known as an in-law suite, guesthouse, pool house, backyard cottage or granny flat, an ADU is any additional living unit on the lot of a single-family home.
There are three main types of Accessory Dwelling Units: interior, attached, and detached ADUs:
Interior ADUs
Located in the primary dwelling, it is built from existing, converted space, usually in the attic or basement.
Converted Basement ADU:

Converted Attic ADU:

Detached ADUs
A separate, exterior, stand-alone structure on the main home’s property, like a cottage or detached garage.
Pool House:

Guest House:

Detached Garage:

Attached ADU
These are built as an addition to the primary home structure.
Attached ADU at Side of House:

Rear Attached ADU:

Above Attached ADU:

If you are considering adding an accessory dwelling unit to your home or property, please contact Gayler Design Build to discuss your own ideas or plans for an ADU on your property.
Have questions about local ADU laws and regulations and how they affect you? We’ll help you with that also. Schedule a conversation with Gayler Design Build today.